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Close Before you Doze

Posted by BAFC on 29 Feb 2020

Forty years ago, a person had about 17 minutes to escape a burning home. Evolutions in furnishings, homes incorporating more open layouts, and lightweight construction materials, allow fires to spread much quicker.

But luckily, the simple action of closing your bedroom door before going to sleep can help slow the spread of smoke, heat, and fire.

UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute launched the “Close Your Door” fire PSA (public service announcement) to get this important fire safety tip out to as many families as possible.

This safety initiative comes as the result of over 10 years of research by the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI). After proving that a closed door could potentially save lives in a fire, UL FSRI has committed to share this finding with the world.

Read more on their website.

Or watch the video HERE courtesy of the UL FSRI.